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Work with top local real estate agents in the St. Louis area for thousands less.

Save an average of $16,000 when you buy and list with Trelora

Sellers only pay 1%

Most agents charge about 3% of your home’s price to represent you. That amounts to $15,000 for a $500,000 home. We think you deserve great service for less. Our low fair fee of 1% could save you thousands.

Buyers can make stronger offers

Trelora believes in fair and transparent commissions and we do everything we can to save our customers money when they buy or sell a home. The average Trelora buyer saves $6,000 in commissions. 

A local team you can trust

Trelora’s local team in St. Louis is supported by national expertise

Steven James

General Manager

Zach Whittaker

Contract Manager

Buyers and sellers love Trelora


I want to thank my agent Zach and the entire Trelora team on the assistance of selling my home. They represented the sale of my home with professionalism and experience.

The entire team is very knowledgeable of the entire process. I always felt I was in good hands. I consider myself to be a progressive individual which Trelora aligns perfectly with a refreshing position within the industry. Selling a home for a flat rate is the way of the future for the new real estate world we live in and the Trelora team is leading the way!


Our experience with Trelora could not have been better! We sold a house and purchased a home simultaneously which was a stressful process but they made it easy to understand, process and go through.

We loved everyone on our team and saving money was an incredible bonus. We will definitely use Trelora again and recommend it to everyone we know!


Fantastic company with an A+ team. I have sold and bought multiple properties with them and they continue to amaze me on how honest and wonderful their approach is to customer service and real estate.

I highly recommend them and have recommended them to my colleagues and friends who have done transactions with them also and say the same great things about them. You can’t go wrong with Trelora


Trelora is the future of real estate. Their multi-level agent approach makes it easy to get multiple perspectives and coordinate timing.

They are highly responsive and split the commission with you which went straight back into improving our new house.


I recently used Trelora to sell my home. Great experience from start to finish and saved $14K versus a traditional realtor.

The team was very well organized, easy to work with, friendly, and professional. I'm so glad there's a high quality company like this attempting to rationalize the traditional real estate model. Great job Trelora!

Trusted by thousands in  


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Save Thousands When You Buy Or Sell With Trelora

Trelora’s agents specialize, so you get an expert at every stage. From pricing experts who watch the market daily to negotiation experts who get you the best deal, you always have the best person on your side.


Sell For Only 1%

Traditional agents charge you 3% of your home value to sell your house. For a $500,000 home that equals $15,000 in commissions! At Trelora we only charge 1% to help you keep your hard-earned equity.

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