Denver Metro
From Denver to Aurora to Boulder and Fort Collins, Trelora has top local real estate agents for thousands less.
Save an average of $12,000 when you buy and list with Trelora
Sellers only pay 1%
Most agents charge about 3% of your home’s price to represent you. That amounts to $15,000 for a $500,000 home. We think you deserve great service for less. Our low fair fee of 1% could save you thousands.
Buyers save thousands with our buyer rebate
If the seller offers a split commission, you could qualify for a rebate—ask us for more details! If not, we charge just 1%, saving you over 50% compared to traditional agents.
A local team you can trust
Trelora has proudly served Colorado since 2011, guiding over 4,000 buyers and sellers to successful closings.

Greg Hanson
Managing Broker

Evan Flood

Sequeeta Robinson

Parker Norwood
Field Agent
Contact Us Today
Save Thousands When You Buy Or Sell With Trelora
Trelora’s agents specialize, so you get an expert at every stage. From pricing experts who watch the market daily to negotiation experts who get you the best deal, you always have the best person on your side.

Sell For Only 1.5%
Traditional agents charge you 3% of your home value to sell your house. For a $500,000 home that equals $15,000 in commissions! At Trelora we only charge 1.5% to help you keep your hard-earned equity.