You know that old saying, “Strike while the iron’s hot”? Well, if you’ve been wondering if you should sell your house, the answer is yes. The iron is hot; strike now! You won’t strike out, we promise. If you’ve considered listing your house, now it’s your time. The real estate market is on fire and buyers are clamoring for what you have.
1) Low Housing Inventory.
Let’s put that economics class to use, shall we? When there is lower inventory, there is higher demand. In many markets across the country, including Denver and Seattle, there is an incredibly limited number of homes on the market. This puts you in the driver’s seat as a seller, ensuring more interest than when the market is saturated and you’re fighting the neighbors for viewing appointments. It’s an absolutely phenomenal time to be the shining star in the MLS. Someone wants your property. And you may know immediately.
2) Interest rates are still low.
Want to know what the 30-year fixed rate is today? Look at this chart. If you are more interested in comparing the current rate with what it has been since 1971, our pal FreddieMac delivers with this chart. And rates matter. People are wanting to buy when rates are low….so why not let them buy from YOU?
3) Tap that Younger Generation.
We’re all tired of Millennial bashing, right? Well let’s do just the opposite. Let’s empower our younger generations to invest in their futures by capitalizing on real estate opportunities. data states that, “Millennials could account for 43% of home buyers taking out a mortgage in 2018 (a 3% year-over-year increase).” Especially in neighborhoods that have that hip vibe that appeals to young adults, selling your home now could result in a multi-generational win!
4) Record Home Prices.
Need we say more? If making money is the name of your game, then sell high, baby. Our pals over at have data that suggests, “a 3.2% increase year over year, after finishing 2017 with a 5.5% year-over-year increase.” Obviously you can use that extra cash to upsize, downsize or rightsize – whatever that looks like to you. But we don’t across many people who think making more money is a terrible idea.
5) Tis the Selling Season.
We are firm believers that it’s always a good time to enter into real estate deals. That’s our biz! But the warmer months are “the season” and there is no denying it. There’s that spring and summer buzz that makes homes sell faster! Not bogged down by the holidays; families wanting to get settled before the next school year; greener grass and sunny days – it all adds up. But as we all know, summer flies by – so get your ducklings in a row and list ASAP!
We want the best for you. Honestly. That’s what our business is built upon. So don’t feel undue pressure – but do take the time to consider that timing matters – and the iron’s burning hot!
Need some help selling your home?
Trelora real estate serves the Colorado Front Range, Summit County and Seattle Metro Area and our mission is simple: full service real estate for a fraction of the cost. When you hire a traditional agent to help you buy or sell your home, man cave or no, you pay that agent 3-6% of the home’s value.
When you hire TRELORA, you pay 1% rather than a variable commission on the price of your home. You’ll also get best-in-class customer service. A team of expert agents who close hundreds of deals per year. And a proprietary technology platform that puts you in the driver’s seat.

Christopher has been been in the Real Estate industry for 8 years and has had the opportunity to close over 1,000 deals while acting as the Managing Broker for thousands more. Christopher is passionate about continuing to find ways to simplify, maximize, and serve Trelora’s clients exceptionally well and spends his time building teams to deliver high levels of service. When not doing real estate Christopher can be seen training for marathons and ultra relays with his 2 year old daughter, eating pizza, and drinking a steady stream of Diet Coke.