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Trelora helps you find your perfect home.

Thousands of buyers like you have found their dream home and earned money back with Trelora. Make a stronger offer with half of our commission, up to $3,000 cash back!

Some of the benefits of working with Trelora include:

  • Cash back at closing. You get half of our commission, up to $3,000, when you buy your home.
  • Expert guidance. Our team guides you through inspections, appraisals, title, and lending.
  • Custom searches. We help you find the right property with custom searches tailored to your specific needs.
  • Persuasive offers. We make hundreds of successful offers each year. You can be confident that you’ll walk away with a great deal on your home.
  • Support every step of the way. You can easily communicate with your agent and their team via text, email, messaging, and over the phone.

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Contact us today to start your home buying journey and get connected to our team of expert agents!

Trusted by thousands

Ricardo F.

Saved $7,528

They saved me thousands and I had a whole team of knowledgeable people working on my behalf!

The service I received was outstanding because each team member is so focused and capable in their area of expertise. And, I ended up saving more than $20k in real estate fees!

Lea H.

Saved $37,354