Those trying to sell a home often feel in need of a miracle when a quick sale fails to materialize. Through the years, people have looked for ways to ease the selling process. Hands have been thrown up in the air and searches have been done on Google (like the one that probably brought you here!) to learn who is the Patron Saint that can help them sell their home.
St. Joseph has become know as the Patron Saint of Home Sales. People across the country, if not the world, often bury a small St. Joseph statue in the yard, and a successful closing won’t be long in the offing. Realtors and sellers across the nation swear by this.
But Why Is He The Patron Saint Of Home Sales and Real Estate?
St. Joseph is said to oversee the wide field of real estate. Many home sellers believe he is there to help them from the time the decision to sell is made through the closing. So many details need attending to, and so much can go right — or wrong. St. Joseph is renowned for making it all easier.
But why is he the patron saint of home sales? No one really knows why or how St. Joseph became the Patron Saint of Real Estate Sales. The urban legend investigator,, offers some theories. Many will explain that St. Joseph was a family man who protected his family against danger which would relate to real estate sales.
What is He Supposed to Do?
Many believe that with a St. Joseph buried in your yard, you won’t need to worry about warranties on the roof and HVAC lapsing into negative territory.
The Patron Saint of Home Sales is said to keep you organized for all the days your house is listed. He reminds you to put the dishes and laundry away, keep the collection of porcelain angels dusted, the vases of flowers fresh, and to send the messy seven-year-old to camp. He helps you detects the faint odors of dirty socks under beds, fruit that is beginning to spoil, wet dog fur, and sour dishcloths. Some believe that St Joseph even inspires you to select candles that will not set off allergies of prospective home buyers.
Some believe that the Patron Saint of property helps increase showings on your home, hushes the neighbor’s barking dog, urges birds to sing, and wind to musically move through the leaves while prospective buyers are in your home.
When you and your family need to leave your home for a showing, St Joseph is said to be the one who makes sure you take your wallet, something to read, fun things for the kids to do, an umbrella, a snack, and an idea for a shopping excursion.
St. Joseph is said to stay with you through the closing and help ensure your buyers do not change their minds.
While the Patron Saint of home sales may or may not actually help you sell your home, you’ll still need a great agent which is why we’re here to help you.
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When you hire Trelora, you pay one flat fee rather than a variable commission on the price of your home. You’ll also get best-in-class customer service. A team of expert agents who close hundreds of deals per year. And a When you hire Trelora, you pay just 1% to sell your home. You’ll also get best-in-class customer service, and a team of expert agents who close hundreds of deals per year. And keep in mind, especially if you’re moving or you have friends in other states, that Trelora can help you in Atlanta, Charleston, Charlotte, Denver, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Raleigh, Sacramento, Seattle and Tucson. In the meantime, please stay healthy and safe.

Christopher has been been in the Real Estate industry for 8 years and has had the opportunity to close over 1,000 deals while acting as the Managing Broker for thousands more. Christopher is passionate about continuing to find ways to simplify, maximize, and serve Trelora’s clients exceptionally well and spends his time building teams to deliver high levels of service. When not doing real estate Christopher can be seen training for marathons and ultra relays with his 2 year old daughter, eating pizza, and drinking a steady stream of Diet Coke.